About Me
To understanding visual perception.
Fei Qi
Associated Professor, Ph.D. Supervisor
School of Artificial Intelligence, Xidian Unviersity,
PO Box 134#, 2 S Taibai Road,
Xi'An, Shaanxi 710071 PR China

- Ph.D. and M.Eng., January, 2007, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China.
- B.Eng., July, 2000, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China.
- 2018/01 – now, Associate Professor, School of Artificial Intelligence, Xidian University, Xi’an, PR China.
- 2008/07 – 2017/10, Associate Professor, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, PR China.
- 2013/12 – 2015/12, Research Fellow, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia.
- 2007/03-2008/06, Lecturer, School of Electronic Engineering, Xidian University, Xi’an, PR China.
- 2022/01 – 2025/12, Weakly Supervised Representation Learning for CMC Defects Detection, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- 2016/01 – 2019/12, Visual Saliency Analysis for Binocular and Motion Images under the Framework of Solving Inverse Problem, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
- 2009/01 – 2011/12, Tracking and Motion Analysis of Articulated Objects based on Manifold Learning, funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China.
Research Interests
- Human visual system
- Mechanism and computational modeling (e.g., saliency estimation)
- Geometry perception
- Bio-inspired visual recognition
- Machine Learning and Data Science
- Deep Learning
- Evolutionary Automatic Maching Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Power Prediction for New Energy
- Knowledge Discovery
- Image and video understanding
- Image representation (e.g. sparse coding, autoencoder, bag-of-words)
- Motion estimation, analysis, and applications
- Articulated objects tracking
- Screen Contents Understanding
- Visual Surveillance
- Optimization and applications